69 Hotelzimmer (69 hotel rooms)

A novel for all:

Michael Glawogger’s novel is about a “he” whose love of traveling takes him all over the world. A collection of keenly described episodes from the life of a curious observer who checks in to so many more or less interchangeable hotels, where he ends up meeting all sorts of different people.

“69 stories, why specifically 69?” she asked. “Because it’s a nice number,” he answered. “And because a lot of times in comedies the 69 becomes a 66 or 99 when the door slams and a number flips around. Or a 96 if both digits get knocked upside down.” And then, of course, just as many hotels omit the number 13, here too the thirteenth story has been left untold.

The novel was awarded the “Preis der deutschen Buchkunst” in 2015 for its outstanding beauty.
